9:00 ..... Joy Nishida, President, Southern California Botanists - Introduction
9:10 ..... Gary P. Bell, The Nature Conservancy, Temecula, CA - Giant Reed (Arundo donax) control in Southern California Riparian Systems: Dealing with a Process-altering System-level Invasive Weed
10:00 ..... Paul Arriola, Department of Botany and Plant Sciences, University of California, Riverside - The Role of Weed-Crop Hybridization in the Evolution of a Noxious Introduced Weed
11:00 ..... Break and plant sale
11:10 ..... Elizabeth McClintock, Herbarium, University of California, Berkeley - Benign and Aggressive Plant Immigrants in California
12:00 ..... Lunch and plant sale
1:50 ..... Robert J. van de Hoek, Sylmar, CA - Alien Plant Invasions in a Fragmented Landscape: Case Studies from the Carrizo Plain Natural Area
2:40 ..... Paula Schiffman, Department of Biology, California State University Northridge - Exotics in a California Grassland: A Community Profile
3:30 ..... Closing Remarks