Robert Jan van de Hoek
Founder & President & Scientist
Los Angeles, California, USA
Amsterdam, Holland, Nederland
North America & Europa

Robert Jan 'Roy' van de Hoek

Climb the mountains and get their good tidings.
Nature's peace will flow into you as sunshine flows into trees.
The winds will blow their own freshness into you,
and the storms their energy,
while cares will drop off like autumn leaves.
The Yosemite

John Muir wrote his classic book, The Yosemite, while staying as a guest at the historic homes of two supportive families in Los Angeles County in South Pasadena (this home still exists) and in the West Adams District (this home was destroyed during construction of the Santa Monica Freeway).

During the time that John Muir was writing The Yosemite in 1901 to 1902, John made sauntering walks from the historic West Adams District of Los Angeles to the seashore via the swamps of the La Cienega near Culver City and followed Ballona Creek to the marsh lands where he observed the autumn-like colors of Pacific Swampfire.

In the era of John Muir, the name for Pacific Swampfire was "pickleweed" because pioneer ranchers and pioneer farmers despised this distinctive native plant. Unfortunately, most scientists, most native plant enthusiasts, politicians, and journalists have inherited and adopted the name Pickleweed. However, a new generation of botanical scientists and growing number of citizen naturalists renamed Pickleweed as Pacific Swampfire, eliminating the word "weed" from the name. Simultaneously, the name now accurately reflects the geography and habitat genuinely as "Pacific Swamp" with "Fire" describing the beautiful red color of the leaves especially in Autumn. This phenomenon is indeed some genuine progress for this very special native plant.

Steinbeck, Ricketts & Hedgpeth: John, Ed & Joel in 2020

SEA OF CORTEZ 1941 Source Book of Marine Life by Edward Ricketts, as a scientific appendix.

Santa Monica College Trees in 1976

Santa Monica College Trees in 1956

Santa Monica College Trees at the Clock Tower Courtyard

Santa Monica Trees Biodiversity Loss, 1944 to 2018

Bodger Park, Coastal Los Angeles County Park: Community Garden History and Geography Note

Los Angeles County Coastal Sea Shell Collecting by Women as Environmental History, Natural Philosophy, Ecofeminism and Ethics

Environmental Studies Fall 2018: Trees of the Miramar Hotel Grounds in 1944

Between Pacific Tides: Ed Ricketts & Ritchie Lovejoy Friendly Collaboration on Line Drawings of Intertidal Wetland Invertebrate Animals

Sea Stars at Marina Del Rey & Rio Ballona

Marina Del Rey Middle School Tree Ecology

Ross Pohlo: Swedish American Marine Ecologist

Marina Del Rey Marine Biology Study, 1967-1969: William Brewer with Earl Segal

Ralph Hoffmann & Harry Harris Anthologies

CSUN BIOLOGY: Professor Biographies as History
Ross Pohlo: Paleoecologist & Geologist
Earl Segal: Invertebrate Zoologist & Marine Biologist

Van Cortlandt Park Urban Ecology: Earl Segal & Alan Cruickshank

Joseph Grinnell 1898 Report:
Birds of the Pacific Slope of
Los Angeles County, California

Ballona and Birds in 1890s by Joseph Grinnell
Ballona and BIrds by Joseph Grinnell in an 1898 Report:
Birds of the Pacific Slope of
Los Angeles County, California

Trees of Santa Monica on 16th Street in 1944

Lorquin Natural History Club of Los Angeles
LORQUINIA Articles: From 1916 to 1917
Charles Richter (1916): LA Plant Geography
Paul Ruthling (1916): LA Snake Conservation
Paul Ruthling (1917): L.A. Snakes Revised List
Paul Ruthling (1917): Verdugo Hills Fauna
Fordyce Grinnell (1917): San Gabriel Mountains Native Plants with Charles Richter
Carl Hubbs (1917): LA Fish Biogeography
Chester Collins (1917): Deer Conservation in Los Angeles
Lorquinia Working Index 2014

American Society of Ichthyologists & Herpetologists, New York
COPEIA Five Articles of Paul D. R. Ruthling: 1915 plus 1919 - Edited by J. T. Nichols at American Museum of Natural History
Paul Ruthling (1915) No.15, page 15 - February 20. LOS ANGELES SNAKES [Four Different Kinds Observed During 1913 to 1914]
Paul Ruthling (1915) No.19, page 10-11 - June 25. HIBERNATION OF REPTILES IN SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA [region of Los Angeles, California]
Paul Ruthling (1915) No.21, page 32 - August 24. RHINOCHILUS LECONTEI IN LOS ANGELES [Found 2 miles from ocean at gopher hole at Belvedere (by Alondra Park)]
Paul Ruthling (1915) No.25, page 61-62 - December 15. LOS ANGELES SALAMANDERS [Four different kinds at Topanga, California]
Paul Ruthling (1919) No.72, page 67-68 - August 15. BLOOD EXPELLING OF THE HORNED LIZARDS IN MEXICO [Submitted in Mexico City, Observed in Valley of Mexico]

19th Symposium: 1993 - Riparian Plant Ecology
20th Symposium: 1994 - Impacts of Non-Native Plants


Boney Mountain Wilderness


California Natural History Guides: A Review by "Roy" in 2011

La Mirada Park Natural History
La Mirada Park Butterflies
Mammals of the San Gabriel Mountains

Ernest Sheldon Booth, Vertebrate Zoologist
Ernest Sheldon Booth, Autobiography Note
Ernest Sheldon Booth, Early Years to Young Adult
Harry J. Baerg, Wildlife Artist & Author
John Fitch (1918-1982),, Resident LA Naturalist
John Fitch, Zooarchaeologist on Native Americans & Fish
John Fitch, Paleontologist on Pleistocene Fossil Fish
John Fitch, Malacologist of Clams
John Fitch, Bathypelagic Ichthyologist

Ballona Wetlands Coralline Algae Natural History
Anna van Bosse, Dutch Woman Phycologist
Dorothy Thurman, Marine Wildlife Artist

Dorothy Thurman, Marine Wildlife Artist: Revised

Natural History of Los Angeles Parks
Titmouse Park Natural History
Whittier Narrows Recreation Area Natural History

Los Angeles Botanists
Peter Raven at Malibu Lagoon in 1959
Le Roy Abrams in Los Angeles from 1898 to 1902

Los Angeles Marine Biologists
Rimmon Carlton Fay, Marine Biologist
Richard Knapp Allen, Entomologist & Limnologist
Earl Segal, CSUN Professor, Invertebrate Zoologist
Ross Pohlo: Great Professor, Marine Ecologist, Geologist, Paleoecologist, Invertebrate Zoologist
Steve A. Glassell, Marine Invertebrate Zoologist
Wesley Roswell Coe, Marine Invertebrate Zoologist
Wesley Roswell Coe & California Oyster

Ballona Wetlands
Ballona History of Rare Birds
Ballona Restoration
Ballona - Mesmer 1914
Ballona - 1917 Ivan Johnston
Ballona - Clapper
Ballona - Fishermen
Ballona - History 1876 Wheeler
Ballona - Least Tern
Ballona In The News
Ballona  wetlands photo
Ballona  Wetlands State Park
Bimini Baths Eastwood Flora

Cassins Auklet
Birds F. Schneider Playa del Rey
F. Schneider -Black Rail Swan
Black Necked Stilt

Blanche Trask
Blanche Trask, Mystic
Blanch Trask Anthology
Blanche Trask -Youth
Blanche Trask -Eulogy by Jepson
Blanch Trask - Alice Eastwood
Blanche Trask - Jepson Visit
Blanche Trask la times 1miguel
Blanche Trask longing
Blanche Trask moonlight

Ballona Botanists

Malibu Lagoon
True Restoration

First LA Dune Study of USC in 1914

These 3 Web Sites
Will Guide You
Into Wild Nature
2.Geography of Hope
3.Flora & Fauna:L.A.

LA Birding History
Howard Cogswell

Edward Ricketts
Sandy Beaches
Wetland Worms

1. Sand Dune Parks
2. Beach Glory
3.Purer Anthology
4. LAX Sand Dunes

1.Joseph Grinnell
2.Will B. Judson
3.Lee Chambers
4.Alex M. Shields
5.George Morcom
6.John Eugene Law
7.J. Roy Pemberton

1. LA Prairie Meadows
2. VA Hospital Park
3. M. Long:Naturalist

 Carrizo Critique
1. Carrizo Monument
2. Plain Justice
3. Hope Springs Eternal
4. Prairie Friend
5. Ecoprotector
6. BLM Whistleblower

Big City Sanctuary

Jack von Bloeker Anthology
1. Avian Ocean Birds
2. Catalina Shrew?
3. Ballona Herps
4. Ballona Birds
5. Ballona Notes


Early Woman Naturalists
Alma Stultz
Helen G. Cruickshank
Erna Comby
Ruth Agnes Forsyth
Myrtle Eliz. Johnson
Edith Sumner Byxbee
Augusta Foote Arnold
Augusta Arnold in LA

Santa Barbara Battle
Vagabonding Dixie
Love Birds Save Trees
Rob Roy Heron Trees
Alondra Park Natives
Alondra Park Oasis

LeRoy Abrams' LA
1.LeRoy@Ballona I
2.LeRoy@Ballona II
3.LeRoy@Ballona a
4.LeRoy@Ballona b
5.LeRoy' Flora LA